Under The Hood: Vo2 Max Block & FTP Improvements


Hello Everyone!

Since returning to structured training, I’ve completed three ramp tests

July 8th: 228: Rock-bottom fitness level

August 6th: 247: 8% improvement in FTP. All Z2, Sweet Spot, and Tempo training to this August test.

September 8th: 270: 9% improvement in FTP. All workouts were Z1/2 and Z5 with 1x OG Tempo weekly.

6 Week Average Cycling Hours: 8.5… (Peak Week 10 Hours)

*Before my ITB injury, my FTP was commonly in the 260-270 range

I knew in the middle of week 2 of my 3 week Vo2 max block, that my FTP jumped up again. My 2-3’ Vo2 max efforts were around 140% of my last tested FTP, which is not possible, so instead of retesting, I kept using HR Max % as my guide, not wattage till my next test. I knew going into this recent September test that i’d likely see another big improvement. This jump would put me exactly where I was before my ITB injury. During all 3 of my FTP Ramp tests, my Max HR has remained the same at 183, and my FTP has gone up. During my Vo2 Max sessions, because of my ever changing FTP, my main target has to keep my HR in the 90-95% of HR Max while using watts as a secondary measure. This has been a change for me and an important one for me. However, since my fitness has returned to its baseline, i’ll be using watts and HR as a primary.

You will also notice the usage of over gear tempos during my vo2 max phase.

1) I have Camp Epic the first of Oct. Camp Epic is 3 days, 270 miles, and 24,000ft of gain. These sessions are geared to help with sustainable climbs. The OG tempos are a nice “supportive” session during my vo2 max work. It helps grow the engine without too much metabolic stress, due to the low cadence, tempo effort nature. Push these too hard and they will turn from a supportive session to the main session, and that’s not what I was looking for.

2) I’m a believer that tempo work (OMG GREY ZONE) is very helpful for developing the aerobic system with minimal stress. The dosage of tempo is very important. Every ride? Nope. During Vo2 max/polarized blocks, I use it 1x a week, and am very careful with the rest of the rides being pretty easy so my body is rested so I can hit the big session. The usage of Tempo work changes in what we are trying to accomplish.

What’s below is just my cycling work, not including running, swimming, or lifting. I’m only running 3x a week where each session is done as a walk/run (1’ walk, 4’ run) for 20-25’. Thats what my knee can handle and its primarily pain-free.

Starting week 4, which is today (Sept 8th) was the ramp test. I will take 2-3 days pretty easy before doing condensed sweet spot block before Camp Epic.

Week 3

Sunday: 3x20’ Tempo Over Gear R:5 (60rpms)

Saturday: Easy 40’

Friday: 6x3’ Vo2 Max (odds: Up hill, evens: Flat)

Thursday: 1:45 Z2 (75% HR Max)

Wednesday: OFF

Tuesday: Mixed Vo2 Max: 1x3’…5x1’/30”…1x3….5x1/30….1x3

Monday: Recovery 1:30 @ 50% FTP


Week 2

Sunday: OFF

Saturday: 90 Miles Group, Hilly and Hard

Friday: 3 Rounds: (12’ of 30” Near Max, 15” Easy) R:4’

Thursday: 2x20’ Over Gear Tempo (55-60rpms)

Wednesday: 40’ Z1 (75% HR Max)

Tuesday: 8x2’ Vo2 Max (All up hill)

Monday: OFF


Week 1

Sunday: 1:20 Z2 Ride

Saturday: 1x25’ Over Gear Tempo (40’ Ride)…Lucy woke up early

Friday: 3 Rounds: (10’ of 30” Near Max, 15’ Easy) R:4’ …. BRUTAL

Thursday: OFF

Wednesday: 1:20 Z2 Ride

Tuesday: 6x2’ Vo2 Max (All Up Hill)

Monday: 1:40 Z2 Ride (75% of HR Max)